Wiccan Numerology – How It Helps The Modern Witch

Wiccan Numerology – Turning Names and Dates Into Numbers And How That Helps The Modern Witch

by Ravine Masters

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To grasp the concept of Wiccan numerology, a little background on the Wiccan religion and numerology beliefs must first be discussed. These two fields of the paranormal have roots that go back thousands of years and thrive as separate entities. But putting them together has giving some witches and warlocks are greater understanding of themselves and the world around them.

The Wiccan religion tends to be localized. And because if this, rites and rituals can be very different from coven to coven. Even spellings of words can vary from one coven to the next, and in numerology, this is critical.

Numerology deals with the mystical relationship between numbers and words, especially names of individuals and important dates. A common practice in numerology is digit summing.

This involves reducing a name or number down to a single digit. This single digit has a specific meaning. Each letter of the alphabet represents a number (A=1 through Z=26).

repeating numbers

Here are some examples of digit summing:

-The name “Dave” would be: 4(D) + 1(A) + 22(V) + 5(E) = 32, then 3 + 2 = 5

-The birthyear “1968” would be: 1 + 9 + 6 + 8 = 24, then 2 + 4 = 6

Once the single digit is calculated, you would look it the corresponding qualities and characteristics associated with that number. Because Wiccan covens vary so much, there is no universal numerology chart. But here is a common chart to used by many Wiccans:

0 = Everything. Absolute.

1 = Individual.

2 = Balance.

3 = Communication. Neutral.

4 = Creation.

5 = Action.

6 = Reaction. Responsibility.

7 = Thought. Consciousness.

8 = Power.

9 = Completion.

What do repeating numbers mean?

When deciding on a Wiccan name to adopt, many individuals use the numerology chart to help them choose a name that has a mystical meaning in tuned with who they are.

Wiccan numerology can also be used in understanding your past (your given name, birthdate, birthplace, etc.), your present (name of your significant other, current workplace, etc.) and your future (names of your children, wedding date, etc).

Read a related post on Numerology here.


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